Vasili Perebeinos Lab


2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2002 2001 2000 1999 1997 1996 1995


  1. D. Adinehloo, W. Gao, A. Mojibpour, J. Kono, V. Perebeinos
    Evidence for Phonon-Assisted Intertube Electronic Transport in an Armchair Carbon Nanotube Film
  2. Y. V. Zhumagulov, A. Vagov, D. R. Gulevich, V. Perebeinos
    Electrostatic control of the trion fine structure in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers
    arXiv:2104.11800 (submitted)
  3. A. Kefayati, P. B. Allen, V. Perebeinos
    Nonlocal thermal transport modeling using the thermal distributor
    Phys. Rev. B 105, 235402 (2022)
  4. Y. Koo, H. Lee, T. Ivanova, A. Kefayati, V. Perebeinos, E. Khestanova, V. Kravtsov, K.-D. Park
    Dynamical Control of Interlayer Excitons and Trions in WSe/MoWSe Heterobilayer via Tunable Near-Field Cavity
    arXiv:2203.02136 (submitted)
  5. V. Semenenko, X. Hu, E. Figueroa, V. Perebeinos
    Entanglement generation in a quantum network with finite quantum memory lifetime
    AVS Quantum Sci. 4, 012002 (2022)
  6. V. Semenenko, M. Liu, V. Perebeinos
    Simulation of Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy Spectra of 1D Plasmonic Graphene Junctions
    Opt. Express 30, 9000-9007 (2022)
  7. V. D. Neverov, A. E. Lukyanov, Y. V. Zhumagulov, D. R. Gulevich, A. V. Krasavin, A. Vagov, V. Perebeinos
    Non-linear spectroscopy of excitonic states in transition metal dichalcogenides
    Phys. Rev. B 105, 239902 (2022)
  8. Y. V. Zhumagulov, S. Chiavazzo, D. R. Gulevich, V. Perebeinos, I. A. Shelykh, O. Kyriienko
    Microscopic theory of exciton and trion polaritons in doped monolayers of transition metal dichalco-genides
    npj Comput Mater 8, 92 (2022)
  9. C. Tan, D. Adinehloo, J. Hone, V. Perebeinos
    Phonon-Limited Mobility in h-BN Encapsulated -Stacked Bilayer Graphene
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 206602 (2022)


  1. W Gao, D Adinehloo, X Li, A Mojibpour, Y Yomogida, A Hirano, T Tanaka, H. Kataura, M. Zheng, V. Perebeinos, J. Kono
    Band structure dependent electronic localization in macroscopic films of single-chirality singlewall carbon nanotubes
    Carbon 183, 774-779 (2021)
  2. M. J. Senger, A. Kefayati, A. Bertoni, V. Perebeinos, E. D. Minot
    Dielectric Engineering Boosts the Efficiency of Carbon Nanotube Photodiodes
    ACS Nano 15, 10472-10479 (2021)
  3. V. D. Neverov, A. E. Lukyanov, Y. V. Zhumagulov, A. V. Krasavin, V. Perebeinos
    Polaronic signatures in pristine phosphorene
    Phys. Rev. Materials 5, 054008 (2021)
  4. S.A. Evlashin, M.A. Tarkhov, D.A. Chernodubov, A.V. Inyushkin, A.A. Pilevsky, P.V. Dyakonov,
    A.A. Pavlov, N.V. Suetin, I.S. Akhatov, V. Perebeinos
    Negative Differential Resistance in Carbon-Based Nanostructures
    Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 054057 (2021)
  5. V. Vasilchenko, S. Levchenko, V. Perebeinos, A. Zhugayevych
    Small Polarons in Two-Dimensional Pnictogens: A First-Principles Study
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 4674-4680 (2021)
  6. O. Klimenko, S. Schuler, A. Muratov, V. Semenenko, E. Gorbachev, T. Mueller, V. Perebeinos
    Tunable graphene plasmons in nanoribbon arrays: the role of interactions
    Opt. Mater. Express 11, 1390-1400 (2021)
  7. M. Liu, H. Nath Jaiswal, S. Shahi, S. Wei, Y. Fu, C. Chang, A. Chakravarty, X. Liu, C. Yang, Y.
    Liu, Y. Hee Lee, V. Perebeinos, F. Yao, H. Li
    Two-Dimensional Cold Electron Transport for Steep-Slope Transistors
    ACS Nano 15, 5762-5772 (2021)


  1. V. Semenenko, M. Liu, and V. Perebeinos
    Scattering of Quasistatic Plasmons From One-Dimensional Junctions of Graphene: Transfer Matrices, Fresnel Relations, and Nonlocality
    Phys. Rev. Appl. 14, 024049 (2020)
  2. Y.V. Zhumagulov, A. Vagov, N.Y. Senkevich, D.R. Gulevich, V. Perebeinos
    Three-particle states and brightening of intervalley excitons in a doped MoS2 monolayer
    Phys. Rev. B 101, 245433 (2020)
  3. Y.V. Zhumagulov, A. Vagov, P.F. Junior, D.R. Gulevich, V. Perebeinos
    Trion induced photoluminescence of a doped MoS2 monolayer
    J. Phys. Chem. 153, 044132 (2020)
  4. I. Paradisanos, K.M. McCreary, D. Adinehloo, L. Mouchliadis, J.T. Robinson, H.-J. Chuang, A. T.
    Hanbicki, V. Perebeinos, B. T. Jonker, E. Stratakis, G. Kioseoglou
    Prominent room temperature valley polarization in WS2/graphene heterostructures grown by chemical vapor deposition
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 203102 (2020)


  1. G. Li, V. Semenenko, V. Perebeinos, PQ Liu
    Multilayer Graphene Terahertz Plasmonic Structures for Enhanced Frequency Tuning Range
    ACS Photonics 6, 3180-3185 (2019)
  2. D.R. McCulley, M.J. Senger, A. Bertoni, V. Perebeinos, E.D. Minot
    Extremely efficient photocurrent generation in carbon nanotube photodiodes enabled by a strong axial
    electric field
    Nano Letters 20, 433-440 (2019)
  3. D.R. Gulevich, Y.V. Zhumagulov, A. Vagov, V. Perebeinos
    Nonadiabatic electron dynamics in time-dependent density functional theory at the cost of adiabatic local density approximation
    Phys. Rev. B 100, 241109 (2019)
  4. G. Li, V. Semenenko, V. Perebeinos, P.Q. Liu
    Multilayer Graphene Terahertz Plasmonic Structures for Enhanced Frequency Tuning Range
    ACS Photonics 6, 3180-3185 (2019)
  5. Z. Yao, V. Semenenko, J. Zhang, S. Mills, X. Zhao, X. Chen, H. Hu, R. Mescall, T. Ciavatti, S. March, S. R. Bank, T. H. Tao, X. Zhang, V. Perebeinos, Q. Dai, X. Du, M. Liu
    Photo-induced terahertz near-field dynamics of graphene/InAs heterostructures
    Optics express 27, 13611-13623 (2019)


  1. V. Semenenko, S. Schuler, T. Mueller, and V. Perebeinos
    Plasmon-Plasmon Interactions and Radiative Damping of Graphene Plasmons
    ACS Photonics 5, 3459-3465 (2018)
  2. P.B. Allen and V. Perebeinos
    Temperature in a Peierls-Boltzmann Treatment of Nonlocal Phonon Heat Transport
    Phys. Rev. B 98, 085427 (2018)
  3. J. Zhang, X. Chen, S. Mills, T. Ciavatti, Z. Yao, R. Mescall, H. Hu, V. Semenenko, Z. Fei, H. Li, V. Perebeinos, H. Tao, Q. Dai, X. Du, M. Liu
    Terahertz Nanoimaging of graphene
    ACS Photonics 5, 2645-2651 (2018)


  1. R. Hafizi, J. Tersoff, and V. Perebeinos
    Electronic Structure of Carbon Nanotubes under the Metal Contacts
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 207701 (2017)
  2. L. Dobusch, S. Schuler, V. Perebeinos, and T. Mueller
    Nanoscale thermal light emission from a monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide
    Adv. Materials 29, 1701304 (2017)
  3. Y. Trushkov and V. Perebeinos
    Phonon-limited carrier mobility in monolayer Black Phosphorous
    Phys. Rev. B 95, 075436 (2017)


  1. B. Scharf, T. Frank, M. Gmitra, J. Fabian, I. Zutic, V. Perebeinos
    Excitonic Stark effect in MoS2 monolayers
    Phys. Rev. B 94, 245434 (2016)


  1. Y. Miyauchi, Z. Zhang, M. Takekoshi, Y. Tomio, H. Suzuura, V. Perebeinos, V. V. Deshpande, C. Lu, S. Berciaud, P. Kim, J. Hone, T. F. Heinz
    Tunable electronic correlation effects in nanotube-light interactions
    Phys. Rev. B 92 205407 (2015)
  2. V. Perebeinos
    Metal dichalcogenides: Two dimensions and one photon
    Nature Nano. 10, 485-486 (2015)
  3. V. Perebeinos and J. Tersoff
    Wetting Transition for Carbon Nanotube Arrays under Metal Contacts
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 085501 (2015)


  1. V. Perebeinos and J. Tersoff
    Carbon Nanotube Deformation and Collapse under Metal Contacts
    Nano Lett. 14, 4376-4380 (2014)


  1. V. Perebeinos, J. Tersoff, and W. Haensch
    Schottky-to-Ohmic Crossover in Carbon Nanotube Transistor Contacts
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 236802 (2013)
  2. B. Scharf, V. Perebeinos, J. Fabian, and Ph. Avouris
    Magneto-optical conductivity of graphene on polar substrates
    Phys. Rev. B 88, 125429 (2013)
  3. A. Malapanis, V. Perebeinos, D.P. Sinha, E. Comfort, J.U. Lee
    Quantum Eficiency and Capture Cross Section of First and Second Excitonic Transitions of Single-
    Walled Carbon Nanotubes Measured through Photoconductivity
    Nano Lett. 13, 3531-3538 (2013)
  4. B. Scharf, V. Perebeinos, J. Fabian, and Ph. Avouris
    Effects of optical and surface polar phonons on the optical conductivity of doped graphene
    Phys. Rev. B 87, 035414 (2013)


  1. V. Perebeinos, J. Tersoff, and Ph. Avouris
    Phonon-Mediated Interlayer Conductance in Twisted Graphene Bilayers
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 236604 (2012)
  2. W. Zhu, T. Low, V. Perebeinos, A.A. Bol, Y. Zhu, H. Yan, J. Tersoff, and Ph. Avouris
    Structure and electronic transport in graphene wrinkles
    Nano Lett. 12, 3431-3436 (2012)
  3. T. Low, V. Perebeinos, R. Kim, M. Freitag, and Ph. Avouris
    Cooling of photoexcited carriers in graphene by internal and substrate phonons
    Phys Rev B 86, 045413 (2012)
  4. A. D. Franklin, S. J. Han, A. A. Bol, and V. Perebeinos
    Double Contacts for Improved Performance of Graphene Transistors
    Electron Device Letters, IEEE 33, 17-19 (2012)
  5. S. H. Ji, J. B. Hannon, R. M. Tromp, V. Perebeinos, J. Tersoff, and F. M. Ross
    Atomic-scale transport in epitaxial graphene
    Nature Materials 11, 114-119 (2012)
  6. Y. Wu1, V. Perebeinos, Y. M. Lin, T. Low, F. Xia, and Ph. Avouris
    Quantum behavior of graphene transistors near the scaling limit
    Nano Lett. 12, 1417-1423 (2012)
  7. T. Low, V. Perebeinos, J. Tersoff, and Ph. Avouris
    Deformation and scattering in graphene over substrate steps
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 096601 (2012)


  1. R. Kim, V. Perebeinos, and Ph. Avouris
    Relaxation of optically excited carriers in graphene
    Phys. Rev. B 84, 075449 (2011)
  2. B. Chandra, V. Perebeinos, S. Berciaud, J. Katoch, M. Ishigami, P. Kim, T. F. Heinz, and J. Hone
    Low Bias Electron Scattering in Structure-Identified Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes: Role of Substrate Polar Phonons
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 146601 (2011)
  3. D. B. Farmer, V. Perebeinos, Y. M. Lin, C. Dimitrakopoulos, and Ph. Avouris
    Charge trapping and scattering in epitaxial graphene
    Phys. Rev. B 84, 205417 (2011)
  4. F. Xia, V. Perebeinos1, Y. Lin, Y. Wu, and Ph. Avouris
    The origins and limits of metal-graphene junction resistance
    Nature Nano 6, 179-184 (2011)


  1. W. Zhu, V. Perebeinos, D. Neumayer, M. Freitag, K. Jenkins, Y. Zhu, and Ph. Avouris
    Current transport, gate dielectrics and band gap engineering in graphene devices
    Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT), pp. 1214-1217, (2010)
  2. H. Y. Chiu, V. Perebeinos, Y. M. Lin, and Ph. Avouris
    Controllable pn Junction Formation in Monolayer Graphene Using Electrostatic Substrate Engineering
    Nano Lett. 10, 4634-4639 (2010)
  3. M. Freitag, H. Y. Chiu, M. Steiner, V. Perebeinos, and Ph. Avouris,
    Thermal infrared emission from biased graphene
    Nature Nano 5, 497-501 (2010)
  4. W. Zhu, D. Neumayer, V. Perebeinos, and Ph. Avouris,
    Silicon Nitride Gate Dielectrics and Band Gap Engineering in Graphene Layers
    Nano Lett. 10, 3572-3576 (2010)
  5. V. Perebeinos and Ph. Avouris,
    Inelastic scattering and current saturation in graphene
    Phys. Rev. B 81, 195442 (2010)
  6. T. Mueller, M. Kinoshita, M. Steiner, V. Perebeinos, A. A. Bol, D. B. Farmer, and Ph. Avouris
    Narrow-band light emission from a single carbon nanotube p-n diode
    Nature Nano, 5, 27-31 (2010)


  1. M. Freitag, M. Steiner, A. Naumov, J. P. Small1, A. A. Bol, V. Perebeinos, and Ph. Avouris
    Carbon nanotube photo- and electro-luminescence in longitudinal electric fields
    ACS Nano, 3, 3744-3748 (2009)
  2. W. Zhu, V. Perebeinos, M. Freitag, and Ph. Avouris
    Carrier scattering, mobilities and electrostatic potential in mono-, bi- and tri-layer graphenes
    Phys. Rev. B 80, 235402 (2009)
  3. M. Steiner, M. Freitag, V. Perebeinos, A. Naumov, J. P. Small, A. A. Bol, and Ph. Avouris
    Gate-Variable Light Absorption and Emission in a Semiconducting Carbon Nanotube
    Nano Lett. 9, 3477-3481 (2009)
  4. V. Perebeinos and J. Tersoff,
    Valence force model for phonons in graphene and carbon nanotubes
    Phys. Rev. B 79, 241409 (2009)
  5. M. Steiner, M. Freitag, J. C. Tsang, V. Perebeinos, A. A. Bol, A. V. Failla, and Ph. Avouris,
    How does the substrate affect the Raman and excited state spectra of a carbon nanotube?
    Appl. Phys. A 96, 271-282 (2009)
  6. J. Shaver, A. Srivastava, J. Kono, S. A. Crooker, H. Htoon, V. I. Klimov, J. A. Fagan, E. K. Hobbie,
    N. Ubrig, O. Portugall, V. Perebeinos, and Ph. Avouris
    High field magneto-optical spectroscopy of highly aligned individual and ensemble single-walled carbon nanotubes
    Int. J. of Mod. Phys. B 23, 2667-2675 (2009)
  7. M. Freitag, M. Steiner, Y. Martin, V. Perebeinos, Zh. Chen, J. C. Tsang, and Ph. Avouris
    Energy Dissipation in Graphene Field-Effect Transistors
    Nano Lett. 9, 1883-1888 (2009)
  8. S. V. Rotkin, V. Perebeinos, A. G. Petrov, and Ph. Avouris
    An Essential Mechanism of Heat Dissipation in Carbon Nanotube Electronics
    Nano Lett. 9, 1850-1855 (2009)
  9. M. Steiner, M. Freitag, V. Perebeinos, J. C. Tsang, J. P. Small, M. Kinoshita, D. Yuan, J. Liu, and
    Ph. Avouris
    Phonon populations and electrical power dissipation in carbon nanotube transistors
    Nature Nano 4, 320-324 (2009)
  10. F. Xia, T. Mueller, R. Golizadeh-Mojarad, M. Freitag, Y. M. Lin, J. Tsang, V. Perebeinos, and Ph. Avouris
    Photocurrent Imaging and Efficient Photon Detection in a Graphene Transistor
    Nano Lett. 9, 1039-1044 (2009)
  11. V. Perebeinos, S. V. Rotkin, A. G. Petrov, and Ph. Avouris
    The Effects of Substrate Phonon Mode Scattering on Transport in Carbon Nanotubes
    Nano Lett. 9, 312-316 (2009)
  12. D. B. Farmer, R. Golizadeh-Mojarad, V. Perebeinos, Y. M. Lin, G. S. Tulevski, J. C. Tsang, and
    Ph. Avouris
    Chemical Doping and Electron-Hole Conduction Asymmetry in Graphene Devices
    Nano Lett. 9, 388-392 (2009)


  1. Y. M. Lin, V. Perebeinos, Zh. Chen, and Ph. Avouris
    Electrical observation of subband formation in graphene nanoribbons
    Phys. Rev. B 78, 161409 (2008)
  2. J. Shaver, S. A. Crooker, J. A. Fagan, E. K. Hobbie, N. Ubrig, O. Portugall, V. Perebeinos, Ph.
    Avouris, and J. Kono
    Magneto-optical spectroscopy of highly aligned carbon nanotubes: Identifying the role of threading magnetic flux
    Phys. Rev. B 78, 081402 (2008)
  3. V. Perebeinos and Ph. Avouris
    Phonon and electronic nonradiative decay mechanisms of excitons in carbon nanotubes
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 057401 (2008)
  4. S. O. Koswatta, V. Perebeinos, M. S. Lundstrom, and Ph. Avouris
    Computational study of exciton generation in suspended carbon nanotube transistors
    Nano Lett. 8, 1596-1601 (2008)
  5. T. Hertel, V. Perebeinos, J. Crochet, K. Arnold, M. Kappes, and Ph. Avouris
    Intersubband Decay of 1-D Exciton Resonances in Carbon Nanotubes
    Nano Lett. 8, 87-91 (2008)


  1. J. C. Tsang, M. Freitag, V. Perebeinos, J. Liu, and Ph. Avouris
    Doping and phonon renormalization in carbon nanotubes
    Nature Nano 2, 725-730 (2007)
  2. 33. J. Shaver, J. Kono, O. Portugall, V. Krstic', G. L. J. A. Rikken, Y. Miyauchi, S. Maruyama, and V.
    Magnetic brightening of carbon nanotube photoluminescence through symmetry breaking
    Nano Lett. 7, 1851-1855 (2007)
  3. 32. S. O. Koswatta, V. Perebeinos, M. S. Lundstrom, and Ph. Avouris
    Exciton generation in suspended carbon nanotube FETs: a computational study
    IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting - IEDM'07, Pages: 745-748 (2007)
  4. 31. V. Perebeinos and Ph. Avouris
    Exciton ionization, Franz-Keldysh, and Stark effects in carbon nanotubes
    Nano Lett. 7, 609-613 (2007)


  1. Ph. Avouris, J. Chen, M. Freitag, V. Perebeinos, and J. C. Tsang
    Carbon Nanotube Optoelectronics
    Phys. Stat. Sol. B 243, 3197-3203 (2006)
  2. J. Shaver, J. Kono, O. Portugall, V. Krsticacute, G. L. J. A. Rikken, Y. Miyauchi, S. Maruyama, and
    V. Perebeinos
    Magneto-optical spectroscopy of excitons in carbon nanotubes
    Phys. Stat. Sol. B 243, 3192-3196 (2006)
  3. V. Perebeinos and Ph. Avouris
    Impact Excitation by Hot Carriers in Carbon Nanotubes
    Phys. Rev. B 74, 121410 (2006)
  4. V. Perebeinos, J. Tersoff, and Ph. Avouris
    Mobility in Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes at finite carrier density
    Nano Lett. 6, 205-208 (2006)


  1. V. Perebeinos, J. Tersoff, and Ph. Avouris
    Radiative Lifetime of Excitons in Carbon Nanotubes
    Nano Lett. 5, 2495-2499 (2005)
  2. J. Chen, V. Perebeinos, M. Freitag, J. Tsang, Q. Fu, J. Liu, and Ph. Avouris
    Bright Infrared Emission from Electrically Induced Excitons in Carbon Nanotubes
    Science 310, 1171-1174 (2005)
  3. V. Perebeinos and M. Newton
    Electronic structure of Thiolate Self-Assembled Monolayers on Cu(111) and Au(111) substrates
    Chemical Physics 319, 159-166 (2005)
  4. V. Perebeinos, P. B. Allen, and Mark Pederson
    Jahn-Teller instability in C6H6+ and C6H6- revisited
    Phys. Rev. A 72, 012501 (2005)
  5. X. Qiu, M. Freitag, V. Perebeinos, and Ph. Avouris
    Photoconductivity Spectra of Single-Carbon Nanotubes: Implications on the Nature of Their Excited
    Nano Lett. 5, 749-752 (2005)
  6. V. Perebeinos, J. Tersoff, and Ph. Avouris
    Electron-phonon effects and transport in carbon nanotubes
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 086802 (2005)
  7. V. Perebeinos, J. Tersoff, and Ph. Avouris
    Effect of exciton-phonon coupling in the calculated optical absorption of carbon nanotubes
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 027402 (2005)


  1. V. Perebeinos, J. Tersoff, and Ph. Avouris
    Scaling of excitons in carbon nanotubes
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 257402 (2004)
  2. M. Freitag, V. Perebeinos, J. Chen, A. Stein, J. Tsang, J. Misewich, R. Martel, and Ph. Avouris
    Hot Carrier Electroluminescence from a Single Carbon Nanotube
    Nano Lett. 4, 1063-1066 (2004)
  3. V. Perebeinos and T. Vogt
    Jahn-Teller transition in TiF3 investigated using density-functional theory
    Phys. Rev. B 69, 115102 (2004)
  4. R. Kruger, B. Schulz, S. Naler, R. Rauer, D. Budelmann, J. Backstrom, K. H. Kim, S-W. Cheong, V. Perebeinos, and M. Rubhausen
    Orbital ordering in LaMnO3 investigated by resonance Raman spectroscopy
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 097203 (2004)
  5. Y.-R. Chen, V. Perebeinos, and P. B. Allen
    Density-functional study of the cubic-to-rhombohedral transition in alpha-AlF3
    Phys. Rev. B 69, 054109 (2004)


  1. V. Perebeinos, S.-W. Chan, and F. Zhang
    "Madelung model" prediction for dependence of lattice constant with nanocrystal size
    Sol. State. Comm. 123, 295-297 (2002)
  2. Y.-R. Chen, V. Perebeinos, and P. B. Allen
    Polaronic Signatures in Mid-Infrared Spectra: Prediction for LaMnO3 and CaMnO3
    Phys. Rev. B 65, 205207 (2002)


  1. J.J. Tu, G.L. Carr, V. Perebeinos, C.C. Homes, M. Strongin, P.B. Allen, W.N. Kang, E.M. Choi, H.J. Kim, and S.-I. Lee
    Optical studies of charge dynamics in c-axis oriented superconducting MgB2 films
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 277001 (2001)
  2. V. Perebeinos and P. B. Allen
    Multiphonon Resonant Raman Scattering in LaMnO3: Prediction Using the Frank-Condon Formulation
    Phys. Rev. B 64, 085118 (2001)
  3. V. Perebeinos, P. B. Allen, and J. Napolitano
    Exact, numerical, and mean field behavior of a dimerizing lattice in one dimension
    Solid State Comm. 118, 215-219 (2001)
  4. P. B. Allen and V. Perebeinos
    Condensed-matter physics: First glimpse of the orbiton
    Nature 410, 155-158 (2001)


  1. V. Perebeinos and P. B. Allen
    Franck-Condon-Broadened Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectra Predicted in LaMnO3
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 5178 (2000)
  2. V. Perebeinos, P. B. Allen, and M. Weinert
    First-principles calculations of the self-trapped exciton in crystalline NaCl
    Phys. Rev. B 62, 12589 (2000)


  1. P. B. Allen and V. Perebeinos
    Self-trapped Exciton and Franck-Condon Spectra Predicted in LaMnO3
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 4828 (1999)
  2. P. B. Allen and V. Perebeinos
    The Anti-Jahn-Teller Polaron in LaMnO3
    Phys. Rev. B 60, 10747 (1999)
  3. V. Perebeinos and P. B. Allen
    Toward a Theory of Orbiton Dispersion in LaMnO3
    Phys. Status Solidi (b) 215, 607-615 (1999)


  1. I. Kartashov, V. Mazhukin, V. Perebeinos, and A. Samokhin
    Effect of gas-dynamic perturbations on vaporisation process due to modulated heat source
    Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie 9, 11-26 (1997)


  1. I. Kartashov, V. Mazhukin, V. Perebeinos, and A. Samokhin
    Influence of gas dynamic effects on the stability of a plane evaporation front under the action of a surface heating source
    Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 9, 17-21 (1996)


  1. I. Kartashov, V. Mazhukin, V. Perebeinos, and A. Samokhin
    Perturbance of evaporation upon modulation of transition temperature
    Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 8, 1-4 (1995)